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What’s New

  • 2024/09/30 | Mr. Qin and Mr. Zhao received PhD degrees and have been appointed as lecturers at NinboTech University and Wenzhou Medical University respectively. Congratulations! Alumni
  • 2024/09/27 | 1 paper accepted to Alexandria Engineering Journal(IF = 6.2)
  • 2024/09/27 | 1 paper accepted to IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP2024)
  • 2024/09/09 | 1 paper presented at 第26回進化計算学会研究会
  • 2024/09/04 | 1 paper accepted to ACAIT2024
  • 2024/09/04 | 4 papers presented at 2024年 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会
  • 2024/08/23 | 2 papers accepted to SCIS&ISIS2024
  • 2024/08/02 | 2 papers accepted to Cluster Computing (IF=3.6)
  • 2024/07/31 | 1 paper accepted to GCCE2024
  • 2024/07/19 | 3 papers will be presented at FAN2024
  • 2024/07/05 | 1 paper accepted to IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 2024/06/29 | 1 paper accepted to Knowledge and Information Systems (IF=2.5)
  • 2024/06/26 | 1 paper accepted to Cluster Computing (IF=3.6)
  • 2024/05/28 | Our recent work on domain adaptation is available on arxiv
  • 2024/05/25 | 1 paper accepted to Signal, Image and Video Processing
  • 2024/05/15 | 1 paper accepted to International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2024
  • 2024/05/01 | Our recent paper about human motion anomaly detection is available at arxiv
  • 2024/04/30 | 1 paper accepted to IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 2024/04/30 | 6 B4 students joined our lab at UToyama! Member list updated
  • 2024/04/05 | 1 paper accepted to Cluster Computing (IF=4.4)
  • 2024/04/01 | Our Lab moves to University of Toyama. 張潮が特命教授として富山大学に着任しました。これからもどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
  • 2024/03/21 | 3 papers presented at 第25回進化計算学会研究会
  • 2024/03/20 | 1 paper will be presented at 人工知能学会全国大会JSAI2024
  • 2024/03/19 | 1 paper accepted to Cluster Computing (IF=4.4)
  • 2024/03/15 | Mr. Yawen Zou received the best poster award in ISID 2024, congratulations!
  • 2024/03/01 | 6 posters will be presented at ISID 2024 (3/14-15, online)
  • 2024/02/25 | Homepage is renewed due to the update of PHP version. The logo of the Zhang lab has been changed to kiZuLab! kiZu is a Japanese word for defect. We will continue our research in the field of computer vision, especially focusing more on anomaly detection (“kizu” as the main target) in the future. The shape of the designed Z represents the shape of kizu and is also the initial letter of “Zhang”. RGB represents the light and diversity.
  • 2024/02/15 | Welcome to join ISID 2024 (3/14-15, online), free to register, CFP poster submission
  • 2024/02/05 | 1 paper accepted to Pattern Recognition! (IF=8.0)🎊
  • 2024/01/23 | 1 paper accepted to Knowledge-Based Systems (IF=8.8)🎊
  • 2024/01/19 | 1 paper accepted to IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 2024/01/15 | 1 paper accepted to Neural Computing and Applications (IF=6.0)
  • 2023/12/18 | Mr. Maeda received a best presentation award @ ADIP2023
  • 2023/12/13 | 4 papers will be presented at 進化計算シンポジウム2023
  • 2023/12/01 | Our recent work on image anomaly detection with self-supervised learning is available on arxiv
  • 2023/11/19 | One paper accepted to Evolutionary Intelligence (IF=2.6)
  • 2023/11/08 | Our new dataset for Image-Pointcloud Fusion based Anomaly Detection with RealSense is available on arxiv / github
  • 2023/10/25 | Our recent work on 3D human motion prediction is available on arxiv
  • 2023/10/19 | One paper accepted to ADIP2023
  • 2023/10/14 | 3 papers will be presented at ViEW2023
  • 2023/10/06 | One paper accepted to International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IF=2.9)
  • 2023/09/29 | GU (顧)が博士学位を取得(早期修了)し、助教として豊橋技術科学大学へ赴任しました。新天地でのご活躍をお祈りしています!
  • 2023/09/26 | Our recent work on image anomaly detection is available on arxiv
  • 2023/09/23 | One paper accepted to Pattern Recognition (IF=8.0)🎊 [arxiv]
  • 2023/09/15 | Our recent work on a multi-out neuron model is available on arxiv!
  • 2023/09/08 | One paper accepted to ADIP2023
  • 2023/09/06 | Three papers will be presented in 第24回進化計算学会研究会
  • 2023/09/04 | One paper accepted to IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 2023/08/01 | Two papers accepted to ACAIT2023
  • 2023/07/24 | Two papers accepted to IEEE GCCE 2023
  • 2023/06/10 | Prof. Zhang will serve as an associate editor of IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems
  • 2023/06/01 | One paper accepted to IEEE SMC 2023
  • 2023/05/19 | One paper accepted to International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition (ICCPR 2023)
  • 2023/05/02 | One paper on 3D anomaly detection accepted to Expert Systems With Applications (IF=8.6) arxiv
  • 2023/04/14 | One oral paper (short) accepted to NICOGRAPH International 2023
  • 2023/04/01 | Member and Alumni are updated!
  • 2023/04/01 | 堀田が博士学位を取得し、助教として岩手大学へ赴任しました。新天地でのご活躍をお祈りしています!
  • 2023/03/01 | 1 paper accepted to  精密工学会誌
  • 2023/03/01 | 8 poster presentations will appear in ISID2023
  • 2023/02/28 | One research proposal accepted to JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C). Many thanks!
  • 2023/02/25 | 3 papers will be presented in 第23回進化計算学会研究会
  • 2023/02/07 | 福井県工業技術センターにて張が講演を行いました。タイトル:「AI画像処理技術による外観検査の研究動向と技術的課題への取り組みについて」。
  • 2023/01/25 | Welcome to ISID2023 (@University of Fukui, online)
  • 2023/01/13 | One paper will be presented at DIA2023
  • 2022/12/17 | One paper is presented at 進化計算シンポジウム2022
  • 2022/11/01 | Our latest work on 3D anomaly detection is available on arxiv
  • 2022/10/07 | 5 papers will be presented at ViEW2022
  • 2022/10/03 | 中根が博士学位を取得し、助教として岐阜大学へ赴任しました。新天地でのご活躍をお祈りしています
  • 2022/09/10 | D3中根が第22回進化計算学会研究会にてプレゼンテーション賞を受賞した
  • 2022/09/09 | イノベーション・ジャパン2022に出展します (10/4~10/31)
  • 2022/09/06 | 張が新技術説明会にて研究紹介を行った
  • 2022/09/02 | 3 papers will be presented at 第22回進化計算学会研究会
  • 2022/08/31 | 1 paper is presented at 電子・情報・システム部門大会 2022
  • 2022/07/29 | 3 papers accepted to IEEE GCCE2022 (oral x 2, poster x 1)
  • 2022/07/22 | D2 Gu’s paper accepted to Knowledge-Based Systems (Impact Factor=8.139)! Congrats! [paper]
  • 2022/07/20 | M1 Kohei Nakazawa will be supported by 「竹内育英奨学会」!
  • 2022/07/05 | Our latest work on controllable human motion prediction/generation is available on [arxiv]!
  • 2022/07/04 | One paper accepted to IEEE SMC 2022 as oral
  • 2022/07/01 | One research proposal accepted to 「福井銀⾏産学連携研究助成」. Many thanks!
  • 2022/06/07 | One paper accepted to SIGGRAPH2022 Poster [conference] [youtube]
  • 2022/05/28 | Welcome to submit your work @ ACCV2022 (Computer Vision for Medical Computing Workshop)
  • 2022/05/09 | D3 Hotta’s paper accepted to Computational Visual Media
  • 2022/05/09 | D3 Nakane’s paper accepted to IEEE ACCESS [paper]
  • 2022/04/16 | D2 Gu’s paper accepted to Pattern Recognition (Impact Factor=7.74)! Congrats! [paper]
  • 2022/04/14 | A follow-up work of a previous BMVC paper accepted to IET Image Processing! [paper]
  • 2022/04/12 | D3 Hotta’s paper accepted to IET Image Processing!Congrats![paper]
  • 2022/03/22 | B4 Shun Maeda will be supported by「JEES・ソフトバンクAI人材育成奨学金」!
  • 2022/03/17 | 2 oral presentations will appear in 第21回進化計算研究会
  • 2022/03/08 | 8 poster presentations will appear in ISID2022
  • 2022/01/20 | D1 Mr. Chunzhi GU is accepted by JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2). Congratulations![採択者一覧pdf]
  • 2022/01/13 | CFP: welcome to ISID2022!
  • 2022/01/08 | 3 presentations will appear in DIA2022
  • 2021/12/07 | Participated in a joint seminar!
  • 2021/11/25 | Latest work about subspace clustering is available on arxiv
  • 2021/10/01 | 4 papers will be presented at IWAIT2022
  • 2021/09/14 | Latest work 「3D Human Motions from a Single Image」 is available on arxiv
  • 2021/09/06 | Two papers presented at JHES2021
  • 2021/08/27 | We will hold a special session “Intelligent System Design” @IWAIT2022, welcome to join!
  • 2021/08/26 | One paper accepted to AMMCS2021
  • 2021/07/01 | Mr. Jianjian Qin will be fully supported by CSC Scholarships during his Ph.D. study.
  • 2021/06/18 | One research proposal is accepted to 「福井大学次世代卓越研究者に対する支援」
  • 2021/06/19 | Our recent work on image deformation estimation is available on arxiv
  • 2021/05/31 | One paper accepted to IEEE ACCESS
  • 2021/04/21 | D1 Mr. Gu’s paper on unsupervised disentanglement is accepted to IEEE ACCESS
  • 2021/04/13 | M1 Mr. Takano’s paper on Braille block detection is accepted to Sensors
  • 2021/04/10 | One paper accepted to International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2021)
  • 2021/03/31 | One research proposal accepted to JST A-step! Many thanks!
  • 2021/03/19 | M1 Mr. Ueshima will be supported by「softbank AI人材育成 scholarship」!
  • 2021/03/09 | We will have 7 poster presentations and 1 invited talk (Dr. Chao Zhang) @ ISID2021
  • 2021/01/26 | CFP: welcome to ISID2021!
  • 2020/12/23 | One paper accepted to QCAV2021
  • 2020/12/16 | D1 Hotta’s paper accepted to IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition)
  • 2020/12/01 | Dr. Chao Zhang will continue to lead RPALab as a (Senior) Lecturer (a.k.a. Assistant Professor)
  • 2020/10/19 | M2 Gu’s paper on blur removal via blurred-noisy image pair accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IF=9.34)🎊
  • 2020/10/10 | 3 papers accepted to IWAIT2021
  • 2020/10/08 | Two papers will appear in VIEW2020
  • 2020/09/08 | D1 Mr. Hotta won the best short paper prize at the IMVIP conference
  • 2020/09/03 | One journal paper accepted to Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
  • 2020/09/01 | One paper accepted to The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2020)
  • 2020/09/01 | One paper uploaded to arxiv [PDF]
  • 2020/08/27 | One paper accepted to IEEE ACCESS
  • 2020/08/08 | One paper accepted to IMVIP2020
  • 2020/08/05 | D1 Nakane’s survey paper on evolutionary/swarm optimization based computer vision accepted to TCVA [pdf]
  • 2020/07/30 | 3 papers accepted to IEEE GCCE2020
  • 2020/07/14 | One research proposal accepted to Research Grant for Industry-University Collaboration (sponsored by The Fukui Bank)
  • 2020/07/14 | One paper uploaded to arxiv [PDF]
  • 2020/05/03 | Publication list reformatted with available code
  • 2020/04/28 | One poster will appear in NICOInt2020
  • 2020/04/01 | One research proposal accepted to JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
  • 2020/04/01 | One research project of industry-academia collaboration starts
  • 2020/03/21 | One paper (poster) accepted to ACM GECCO2020
  • 2020/03/15 | Mr. Nakane Takumi will be supported by SCAT foundation(研究奨励金) during Ph.D study🎊
  • 2020/02/17 | One research proposal accepted to Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation
  • 2019/12/23 | One research proposal accepted to foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology (FOST)
  • 2019/12/08 | One paper accepted to Computational Visual Media
  • 2019/11/18 | One paper accepted to IEEJ Trans.
  • 2019/11/01 | Mr. Katsuya Hotta gave a presentation at 第6回北陸エピジェネティクス研究会
  • 2019/10/24 | One paper accepted to IEEE Access
  • 2019/10/12 | Two papers accepted to VIEW2019
  • 2019/09/13 | Prof. Zhang gave a talk at Srinakharinwirot university
  • 2019/09/11 | “Best Student Paper Award” awarded at ICISIP2019
  • 2019/08/19 | One paper accepted to IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
  • 2019/07/02 | One paper accepted to BMVC 2019! 🎊 【arxiv
  • 2019/07/01 | Two papers accepted to Cyberworlds2019
  • 2019/07/01 | One paper accepted to ICISIP2019
  • 2019/06/05 | One paper accepted to IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
  • 2019/03/21 | One paper (poster) accepted to ACM GECCO2019
  • 2019/02/13 | One research proposal accepted to SUZUKI FUNDATION
  • 2019/01/21 | One paper accepted to IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 2019/01/16 | Three papers accepted to DIA2019
  • 2018/11/27 | One paper uploaded to arxiv
  • 2018/10/06 | Four papers accepted to ViEW2018
  • 2018/09/21 | One paper accepted to Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering(精密工学会誌)
  • 2018/09/15 | One paper accepted to IWAIT-IFMIA2019
  • 2018/09/12 | “best student paper award” and “best presentation award” are awarded
  • 2018/09/11 | One paper uploaded to arxiv
  • 2018/07/06 | Two papers accepted to ICISIP2018
  • 2018/06/18 | One paper has been accepted to Mecatronics2018
  • 2018/04/10 | One research has been accepted to Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
  • 2017/10/12 | 3 papers have been accepted to VIEW2017
  • 2017/07/27 | One paper will be presented at 平成29年電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会
  • 2017/07/27 | Two papers will be presented at 精密工学会画像応用技術専門委員会サマーセミナー
  • 2017/07/12 | One paper will be presented at SICE 第99回パターン計測部会研究会
  • 2017/05/23 | Two papers have been accepted to FAST-zero ’17
  • 2017/07/27 | Two papers will be presented at SSII2017, Yokohama, Japan
  • 2017/04/01 | RPA Lab. starts from 2017/04/01

Our Vision

 Zhang’s group is dedicated to the research of artificial intelligence driven computer vision systems, especially anomaly detection systems . Our research brings together the fields of computer vision, image processing, machine learning, and pattern recognition. The overview is shown as follows.


〒930-8555 富山市五福3190番地 富山大学五福キャンパス工学部 G7電気系実験研究棟2階 コンピュータビジョン研究室(張研究室)
Intellectual Information Engineering, School of Engineering, Gofuku Campus 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-city, Toyama, 930-8555